Valid during many months:

This is a good time to take the initiative and start a new project. It will go very well, because you will have the insight as well as the energy to follow it through to the conclusion. During this time you will be most strongly motivated toward tasks that bring credit to you and express you as an individual. Greater self- confidence usually accompanies this influence, so if you have to present a project to someone, you will be able to do it much more effectively. Everything you do now will give you greater self-assurance and the extra drive and confidence that you will need in the future, when things may not run as smoothly. Probably the worst way to handle this influence is to do nothing, for you will lose an opportunity to prove your own worth to yourself.


The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Trine Mars, , exact at 18:41  
activity period end of November 2011 until mid-May 2012



Great feats ***
Valid during many months:

At this time in your life your energy level is higher than usual, and you are desirous of performing great feats. Often this influence signifies a time when you will make a tremendous drive for success in your profession or in another field of activity that is important to you. You may gain considerable power over others even if you don't seek it, which will allow you to make many changes in the world around you that you have not been able to make before.


Even if you do not gain power in any way, you will have more energy to work than at other times. You will be able to work long, hard and persistently at tasks that would usually tire you out. Because of your high energy, this influence favors physical activities such as athletics. Activities that aim to rebuild your body, the muscles in particular, such as weight- lifting, yoga or another body culture, are especially effective at this time.


This influence also favors any kind of rebuilding, repairing, renovating and restoring, such as working on old furniture or building.


If you have gone through a period of personal crisis in the last several years that has left you feeling discouraged about yourself, this influence will go a long way toward rebuilding your self-confidence. This period represents a new birth of energy and ego-drive that will enable you to believe in yourself again. In any case you will be able to proceed in your daily activities with a greater sense of strength and confidence. This is a tremendously reinforcing influence.


Transit selected for today (by user):
Pluto Trine Mars, 
activity period end of January 2012 until beginning of December 2013

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