Sun in Taurus, Moon in Cancer


You were born with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Cancer. This combination indicates harmony between the individuality and the personality.


Internally, you are determined, self-motivated, solid, and stubborn. You are ambitious and work tirelessly to gain an important position in life. You have sufficient emotional tranquillity to forge ahead undiverted until you reach your objective. You seem to want comfort and ease.


You are an easy-going person and quickly make friends with others. You will notice that surroundings influence you greatly and that you are very sensitive to outside influences (weather, moods of others).


Not everyone who relates to you can readily discover your inner integrity and solidity. You are usually thought to have rather superficial emotions.


Your ability to cooperate, especially in worldly affairs, will help you achieve success.


Actually, the key to a better integration of your personality is to sometimes subdue your own strong will and bend to the better advice of others.


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Ascendant in Aquarius, Uranus in the Tenth House


At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Aquarius was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Uranus is located in the tenth house.


You were born with a natural disposition to be humane, sympathetic, original and refined in your dealings with others. Among your features is the ability to understand human nature in a sympathetic manner. Unfortunately, you do not always act upon your intuitions and may become rationalistic at times when swift and prompt determination is required.


The common Aquarian is good and kindly, but usually led astray by eccentric and bizarre companions.


Your tastes are refined and your discrimination keen. You have a natural inclination toward the esoteric and mystical side of life and you could develop some clairvoyant abilities. Basically you are a lover of freedom; in the realization of this desire you may go to extremes.


Although changeable in appearance, your life is guided by very definite and fixed principles, one of which is a constant demand for personal freedom. In love you are a strange character. You can easily be emotionally attracted to one person and yet unpredictably terminate relationships.


As an inventor you have no rival; your problem is that sometimes you lack the practical ability to implement your creations. Professionally you will be successful in any of the following fields of activity: modern science, electrical work, photography, archaeology, astrology, radio etc.


You will probably achieve certain prominence throughout your life. Your professional career, however, will be plagued with ups and downs. You should be viewed by your colleagues as a unique individual who has a genuine talent for invention and creation. Your activities are likely to defy existing conventional standards and patterns.


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Sun in the Third House


The Sun appears in the third house at the time of your birth.


Your individuality as ruled by the Sun must pass several karmic tests of a mental character in order to return to its spiritual abode with a richer knowledge in this state of consciousness. Your mind strives for glory, social success, honors, power and magnanimous elevation by means of intellectual understanding.


The path for the realization of fame, honor, nobility and advancement lies through study, communication and self-expression. Your views about life are optimistic, self-assured, kind and generous.


The liabilities of your mind are a lack of interest in detail or occupations and matters that you regard as being below your dignity.


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Venus in the Fourth House


Venus was found in the fourth house at the time of your birth. This is usually a very favorable and fruitful position that grants excellent family relationships within peaceful and beautiful environments.


This position indicates many social affairs, feasts, parties, celebrations, and related activities.


Near the end of your life you should experience financial gain and an overall economic improvement.


A natural lover of country life and nature, you will find many opportunities to gratify these sentiments.


Note: Venus is technically near the end of house 3 and is therefore interpreted in house 4.


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Moon in the Fifth House


The Moon was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. This indicates that you will participate actively in business speculations with many changes occurring in this respect. You were born with a knack for dealing with people and with the ability to communicate with them, particularly in connection with business enterprises.


Your emotional nature is very much geared to your love of pleasure, and you possess a very curious aptitude which may bring you financial gains as well as pleasures in business.


In spite of the positive qualities you have, the fact of the matter is that in love you are very changeable, unstable, or too preoccupied with trivialities.


Your love feelings are very well developed and lead to strong drives for sensations and passionate tendencies which unfortunately are not directed to one object alone.


It is possible that throughout life you may be connected with small and numerous business investments with a fairly good return.


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Saturn in the Eighth House


Saturn was found in the eighth house at the time of birth. Because of the restraining influence of this planet, matters concerning legacies, inheritance, and the financial dealings of your partner or associates could be severely limited and may be frustrated by what seems to be harsh fate.


Psychologically you are rather serious in connection with sexual affairs. You approach sex with caution, rationality and planning. Excess reason and thought in this direction may create some frustration in sexual matters.



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